

Papua New Guinea's police commissioner Garry Baki to review policing agreement with Australia

Papua New Guinea's new police commissioner Garry Baki says he will review a policing arrangement that has 73 Australian Federal Police officers deployed in the country.
The unarmed AFP officers work with local police in the capital Port Moresby and Lae to provide training as part of the deal with PNG to host the Manus Island detention centre.
Mr Baki said the current group of AFP officers appeared not to have reporting responsibilities to his office, which he said raised concerns the partnership was not in line with PNG police modernisation objectives.
"The question to be asked is - is the partnership in its current form ideal to our current situation, or does it need improvement?," Mr Baki said.
"That is the sole reason why I will be revisiting it."
Mr Baki said he would meet the Australian High Commissioner Deborah Stokes on Wednesday to discuss the memorandum of understanding between the two forces.
Mr Baki took over the role of commissioner this month after his predecessor, Geoffrey Vaki, was sacked by the government.
Prime minister Peter O'Neill earlier this year warned local police against the use of excessive force, after an outcry from residents in Hanuabada village in Port Moresby, where police were accused of shooting dead two men.
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