

Mexico's war on drugs



Despite relentless efforts, the Mexican government has so far failed to eradicate drug cartels.

The war on drugs was launched in 2006 - and the president and his predecessor made it a priority.
Some cartel leaders have been captured or killed but that hasn't deterred other traffickers.

Now, cartels are brazenly challenging the armed forces. A new cartel, the Jalisco New Generation, recently shot down an army helicopter, killing three and injuring others.
But does the government really have a strategy to deal with the drug cartels? Or is it simply being outdone?

Presenter: Mike Hanna

Alejandro Hope- Security analyst and former intelligence officer at the Center for Investigation and National Security. 
Guillermo Trejo- A politically engaged Mexican artist.
Laura Carlsen- Director of the Americas programme at the Center for International Policy.

Source: Al Jazeera

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